Monday, July 11, 2016

Product Review Update

My product review that I have written on Amazon has been approved. You can look at it here.

Product Review

I have finally written all the product rewiews I was supposed to write. Now I am waiting for the response from Amazon when my review will be posted.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Self Improvement

8 of Swords – I want to dispel my uncertainties that are robbing me of my independence.
Death – Someone will take away something that I consider to be important. I should not cling to it as it is something that no longer serves any purpose.  
The Moon – I will be listening to my intuition to guide me through difficult times.   
6 of Cups, Reversed – Listening to my intuition will help me to unlock my deepest memories of who I am and what makes me happy. I should allow others help me find myself again.